Frequently Asked Questions.
Where are you based?
I live and work in Rochester, NY, primarily, but frequently travel to Vermont and New England to photograph events and weddings.
Can I have the RAW files from our shoot together
Unfortunately, I do not give away my RAW files.
Why is photography so expensive?
Photography requires a lot of expensive equipment. Photography lessons are expensive. It takes a lot of time to develop an eye for photography, which is expensive.
Wow, you’re really inexpensive compared to other photographers! Why is that?
Photography is not my primary source of income, which means that I can offer clients a good deal.
We had a shoot together and you took lots of photos. Why can’t I have them all?
I take lots of photos to ensure that I get some good shots. I never give all of my photos away, nor would you want them. It's important to me to share only my best work with you and the world.
I want to become a photographer. Do you offer lessons?
I do! Shoot me a message via the contact form. I offer lessons for free, at the moment.
You took photos for me, but I haven’t received them yet. What’s up?
I have lots of clients. You’ll get your photos, I promise. Weddings take me one to two months to edit.
Do I have to give you credit?
If you hired me for business purposes, I require that you give me credit and include backlinks on your website. While I don’t require that individuals give me credit, doing so helps me and my business grow. So, please, do give me credit if you are sharing my photos on social media; it helps me!
Do you ever take photos for free?
If you are interested in modeling, I do offer free, creative shoots. I will also work with small businesses doing a TFP (Trade for Print), meaning I take photos in exchange for service from the business.
What happened to "X" album? Why can’t I find photos from "X" event?
I sometimes update the back end of my website, which may cause some links to break. If I sent you a link to an album that you can no longer access, shoot me a message, and I will be happy to resend you a working link.
How long do you hold on to your photos?
While I have no intention of deleting photos from previous shoots, I require myself to hold on to photos for only one year. If you hired me in the past, I recommend that you download the delivered images and store them on your personal computer and external hard drive as soon as possible.